Revolting Rhymes (2016) #
Co-Direction with Jan Lachauer & Jakob Schuh, 2 x 30 min TV special, produced by Magic Light Pictures
Annecy, Bafta, Emmy Winner 2017; Oscar Nominee 2018
Condenaditos – Cursed Children (2023)
Story Writer w/ Matisse Gonzalez Jordan, Jack Pendarvis, 2D Animated Feature, produced by Studio Seufz
Dark Comedy about the curse of little Kiki, and her family’s ties to Bolivian history. Indie feature currently in development.
Tilt Pack! (2020)
Art Director, 3D Multiplayer Switch Game, produced by Navel
4-player local multiplayer frenzy. Best Family Game GVGA 2020
Ophelia: Love & Privacy_Settings (2013) #
Director & Writer, 3D animated narrative short, 3 min, produced by Heiko Schulze
A romantic comedy about “The End of Privacy” in the digital age. Best Adult Comedy, Animayo 2014
Crazy Vegetable (2015)
Style Frame, 2D animated advertisement pitch
Magpie (2019)
Co-Created w/ Jan Lachauer, 3D Mobile AR Prototype, produced for
A sweet collecting game in Augmented Reality on iPhone.
Nickelodeon: Tuba (2014) #
Director, 22 sec. animated Ident, produced by Woodblock
The biggest and slimiest tuba in the world is about to explode.
The Princess, the Prince and the green-eyed Dragon (2012) #
Co-Direction w/ Jakob Schuh, 7 min animated Short, produced by Studio Soi
A princess is fed up with her prince. A mysterious dragon appears. Golden Lola 2012
The little Boy and the Beast (2009) #
Lighting Rendering Comp, 7 min animated Short, directed by Johannes Weiland & Uwe Heidschötter, produced by Studio Soi
A little boy’s mother turns into a monster.
Noise Pollution (2010)
Director & Writer, 1 min animated Trailer, produced by Filmakademie BW
A thundering tribute to the gods of Rock’n Roll.
The Present (2014)
Set Design & Lighting Paintings, 5 min animated Short, directed by Jacob Frey
A boy, a dog and unmet expectations.
Harald (2014)
Color Key Paintings & Lighting, 7 min 3D animated Short, directed by Moritz Schneider
About wrestling and flowers.